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Breaking News


1. The Journal of Universal Science and Technology of Learning (J.USTL) - www.justl.org

This new journal aims to attract original articles reporting research and development, both from a theoretical or practical standpoint, in the burgeoning domain of learning systems.

2. Copyright - www.copyrightjournal.org/index.php/Copyright

Copyright is an open-access journal focusing on detailed research and case studies vetted by peer-review; opinion pieces and shorter communications.

3. Journal of Interactive Online Learning - www.ncolr.org/jiol/default.htm

The JIOL is an online publication of the US National Center for Online Learning Research, and a joint effort of The University of Alabama and The University of Idaho.

4. Innovate - Journal of Online Education - http://www.innovateonline.info

Innovate is a publication of Nova Southeastern University. http://www.innovateonline.info/