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ICT Websites of interest...

Insight is a knowledge base on policy, practice, technology and research for ICT in European schools. Web: http://insight.eun.org

International Council for Open & Distance Education (ICDE) is approved and authorized by the United Nations (UNESCO) to serve as the Global Institutional Membership Organization in Online, Flexible and Blended Learning, including e-learning and distance education. Web: www.icde.org

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a nonprofit professional organization with a worldwide membership of leaders and potential leaders in K-12 educational technology. Web: www.iste.org

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Literacy Portal focuses on promoting ICT Digital Literacy. Web: www.ictliteracy.info

CAST is a US nonprofit organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities, through the research and development of innovative, technology-based educational resources and strategies. Web: www.cast.org

STaR Chart - School Technology and Readiness Chart is a U.S. CEO's Forum self-assessment tool designed to provide schools with the information they need to better integrate technology into their educational process. Check your school's score at http://www.iste.org/inhouse/starchart/questions.cfm