Vocational training
There is a growing body of evidence that identifies the link between economic growth and investment in human capital. Skills are now widely recognised as a key driver of economic growth, with a substantial role in increasing labour force participation and labour productivity.
Queensland's proposed responses to the challenges of skills for jobs and growth, June 2005
Australias jobs and training markets have experienced substantial change in recent years. Some of the factors that have contributed to the diversification of skills are:
- the need for continuous improvement and innovation;
- a blurring of professional and workplace skills;
- knowledge-based industries have grown rapidly;
- technology has altered the way people work and learn;
- the growing importance of generic employability skills.
Today, workers need more than industry specific skills to operate effectively in the workplace. There is greater emphasis on literacy, numeracy and employability skills but workers are also increasingly required to update their technical and industry skills to incorporate new technologies, changing work practices and evolving products and services.
WebLearning equips you to respond to these challenges by increasing your training options and allowing greater flexibility in delivery on a 24x7 basis, regardless of location, through easy use of our innovative technology.
Using WebLearning you can place your workplace skills needs at the centre of your training by:
- responding quickly to the changing skills demands of your workforce (eg technical, employability, literacy, numeracy skills)
- personalizing materials to cater for the needs of a diverse workforce (professionally; culturally...)
- up-dating people in their area of technical expertise to refresh their skills
- streamlining qualifications (for instance, by focusing on high-level accelerated skills development for the existing workforce, particularly the mature-aged)
- changing learning styles to suit various cohorts (eg, new entrants, trainees, professionals, people returning to work after absence, etc)
- developing flexible training responses for compliance, certification, new products or processes
- using mentors to facilitate skill transfer between younger and older or new and more experienced workers monitoring outcomes
- recognizing prior experience and knowledge (Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL) as workers can bring a range of workplace, lifestyle and family experiences to their role and wish to gain or update qualifications
During the WebLearning implementation program, we will examine the alignment of your training program to the relevant national Training Package competency standards. Please visit the National Training Information Service (NTIS) at www.ntis.gov.au to investigate accredited Competency-Based Training in your industry area. The AQF site www.aqf.edu.au describes the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Increasing skills is a key driver of growth and is essential to maintaining the economic well-being of a company.
With WebLearning you can be proactive in the further development of the skills of your workforce.